How to Make­ and Keep Your Resolutions

How to Make­ and Keep Your Resolutions

As the new year approaches, many of us will ponder on our resolutions for the coming year. It’s one of the most talked about topics in December—what’s your resolution?

Valencia College’s Tina Tan, professor of speech communication, often helps students with their resolutions and goals, both inside and outside of the classroom. This upcoming year, she has plans of her own, too: Take professional development courses, including the new Active Learning Certification, and help the Communication Division transition to Canvas.

Tina shared some of her tips on how you can make successful resolutions that are sure to stick.

Give yourself choices.

Create a list of things you’d like to work on and categorize them, such as health, personal development, spiritual and professional. You know yourself best, so think about resolutions and timeframes that are realistic for you. Narrow your list down to the top several choices. Remember, less is more.   

Think about others.

Resolutions don’t always have to center around your personal life. Consider making a resolution that touches the lives of other people in the community. Valencia Volunteers can help you explore local opportunities and refer you to organizations that best fit your interests.

Write it down.

Jotting your resolution down in a spot you see frequently will keep you in check and help track your progress. Use a planner or your phone’s calendar to note when you’d like to complete certain milestones and messages to stay motivated.

Partner up.

Get a partner to help hold you accountable for sticking with your resolution. Many times, friends, family members and colleagues feel good when they can help you in some way. Think of it as someone to take your resolution journey with you for the year.

Schedule a check-in date.

Set some time aside to check in with yourself and address your resolution’s progress. Are you right on track? Have you fallen behind? Or, maybe you’ve bit off more than you can chew. From there, determine your path forward.