Impact Today’s Students.
Tomorrow’s Leaders.


Impact Today’s Students. Tomorrow’s Leaders.

“Thanks to generous educational scholarships… I can continue to pursue my lifelong dream. I aspire to give back to help another student achieve his or her dream like you are helping me to achieve mine,” writes Natalia Callado, a Valencia College Foundation scholarship recipient who is earning a degree in engineering this spring.

Over the past 44 years, Valencia College Foundation has supported thousands of students, such as Natalia. Scholarships allow students of limited means the opportunity to complete college and change, not only their own lives, but the futures of their families and their communities.

100% of funds raised go to your intended purposeValencia College students come from diverse backgrounds and life experiences. Many have beat significant odds to achieve their goals of earning college degrees or certificates. More than 60 percent are the first in their families to attend college.

“Students overcome unimaginable obstacles to achieve their learning goals. They work full time or have multiple jobs. They’re caring for children and parents, while juggling volunteer work and personal responsibilities. They balance all of this with classwork and their studies, both of which create opportunity costs at work,” says Geraldine Gallagher, Ph.D., CFRE, foundation CEO. “Even modest scholarships can make the difference in a student’s ability to enroll and succeed.”

“We believe that every student, every single student, has the potential to excel, and it’s the college’s responsibility to provide the conditions for success,” she adds. “One way is to make their learning affordable with the help of generous donors.”

“Donor generosity is a deep commitment to enrich student’s lives, and see them flourish and succeed in anything they put their minds to.”

Not a single penny is deducted for overhead or expensesScholarship recipient Thalia Fortich, is majoring in engineering at the college. She explains, “At the end of every semester, I find myself completely worried about how I shall pay for the next approaching semester. This scholarship will truly help lighten the burden I face every semester.”

More than 3,300 students applied for scholarships last year, and nearly two-thirds were awarded. “As the college’s enrollment continues to increase each year, so does the number of students who need financial support to enroll and complete college,” says Angela Mendolaro, foundation chief philanthropy officer.

College alumni, faculty, staff, retirees and philanthropists donate resources to help bridge the funding gap. Contributors help shape the next generation of leaders, inspirers and game changers. Philanthropy funds internships, facilities, programs and equipment, making college affordable and accessible, creating a path to high-wage, high-demand careers, and providing cutting-edge learning opportunities.

Every dollar raised by the Valencia College Foundation goes directly to the donor’s intended purpose, with not a single penny deducted for overhead or any other expenses.

“Donor generosity is a deep commitment to enrich student’s lives, and see them flourish and succeed in anything they put their minds to,” explains foundation board chair, Deb Mears, whose family has invested significant philanthropy to provide essential mentoring and Valencia College scholarships. “We are very grateful for their consistent support. Every single gift matters, no matter the size.”

“Everyone involved with the foundation, whether it is our staff, board members or donors, are incredibly proud of all of our students and their achievements,” Mendolaro says with a smile. “We are all so honored to play a role—no matter how big or small—in their journey.”

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…and I turned my challenges into triumphs.

Julie’s passion is biological research. She’s now a research assistant professor and runs laboratories in Alaska and Florida. Julie is living her dream.


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